ISCAR GRADES ISO COATING CARBIDE GRADES RECOMMENDED APPLICATION PARTING GROOVING FACING TURNING THREADING DRILLING MILLING IC300 PVD COATED P25-P50 M20-M40 S15-S25 TiCN TiN A tough submicron TiN/TiCN PVD coated grade. Suitable for milling heat resistant alloys, austenitic stainless steel and carbon steel in unfavorable conditions, at low to medium cutting speeds. IC330 IC328 P25-P50 M30-M40 S25-S30 TiN TiCN TiN A TiN/TiCN PVD coated tough grade. Used for milling, grooving, parting and drilling a wide range of workpiece materials, at low to medium cutting speeds. IC3028 P25-P45 M15-M35 TiCN TiN A TiN/TiCN PVD toughest coated grade. Used for turning stainless steel and high temperature alloys, at low to medium cutting speeds. Used for interrupted cuts and very heavy turning operations. IC354 P20-P40 M10-M30 TiCN TiN A TiN/TiCN PVD coated, tough grade. Used for general applications in parting and grooving carbon, alloy and stainless steel at medium to high cutting speeds. IC380 P15-P30 M20-M30 S15-S25 H20-H30 TiN TiCN TiN A tough submicron substrate, TiCN PVD coated and a special surface treatment. Designed for machining heat resistant alloys, austenitic stainless steel, at medium to high cutting speeds, interrupted cut and unfavorable conditions. Excellent notch wear and built-up edge resistance. High resistance to mechanical and thermal shock - therefore milling with coolant may be applied. IC900 P15-P40 M20-M30 K05-K25 S15-S25 H10-H25 AL-TEC TiAIN A tough, submicron PVD TiAIN coated grade. Suitable for milling heat resistant alloys, austenitic stainless steel, hard alloys and carbon steel at medium to high cutting speeds. IC903 H01-H10 P05-P15 M10-M20 S10-S20 AL-TEC TiAIN Ultra-fine grain carbide with 12% cobalt, TiAIN PVD coated grade. Used for up to 62 HRc hardened steel, titanium, nickel-based alloys and stainless steel at high speeds and medium feeds. A tough and highly wear-resistant grade. IC804 S05 AlTiN A hard submicron substrate, IC4, with AlTiN PVD coating and special post coating treatment that provides substantially improved tool life, designed specifically for hard nickel base alloys (40-50HRC) (such as FGH 96) IC806 S15-S25 TiN TiAIN A tough submicron substrate, TiAIN PVD coated grade followed by a special "SUMO TEC" surface treatment. Suitable for turning inconel at low to medium cutting speeds. IC807 IC907 P10-P30 M05-M20 S05-S20 H05-H15 TiN TiAIN A tough submicron substrate, TiAIN PVD coated grade. Suitable for turning heat resistant alloys, austenitic stainless steel and hard steel at low to medium cutting speeds. IC808 IC908 P15-P30 M20-M30 K20-K40 S05-S20 H05-H15 TiN TiAIN A tough submicron substrate, TiAIN PVD coated grade. Designed for machining heat resistant alloys, austenitic stainless steel, hard alloys and carbon steel at medium to high cutting speeds, interrupted cut and unfavorable conditions. Excellent notch wear and built- up edge resistance. IC810 IC910 K10-K30 P15-P30 AL-TEC TiN TiAIN A PVD TiAIN coated grade. First choice for milling nodular cast iron at medium to high cutting speeds. IC830 IC928 P20-P50 M20-M30 K15-K40 S15-S40 TiN TiAIN A PVD TiAIN coated tough grade. Suitable for turning and milling of stainless steel, high temperature alloys and other alloy steels. Recommended for interrupted cut and heavy operations. IC418 K10-K25 AI2O3 TiC A TiC/AI2O3 multilayer, CVD coated grade. Used for grooving and turning grey and nodular cast iron at medium to high cutting speeds. Can be used for interrupted cuts and heavy machining. IC5005 IC428 K05-K20 P05-P15 H15-H25 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A TiCN/AI2O3 /TiN multilayer, CVD coated grade. Used for grooving and turning grey and nodular cast iron (may be used for other cast iron as well) at medium to high cutting speeds. Can be used when higher wear resistance than that provided by IC5010 or other grades is required. IC5010 K10-K25 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A TiCN/AI2O3 /TiN multilayer, CVD coated grade. Used for turning grey and nodular cast iron at medium to high cutting speeds. Can also be used successfully on nodular cast iron. IC5100 IC4100 K05-K20 P10-P25 α-TEC TiN AI2O3 TiCN A tough substrate with a new MTCVD and TiCN/AI2O3 coating. Recommended for milling grey cast iron at high cutting speeds, providing extended tool life. IC5400 M30 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A tough substrate with a MTCVD and alpha Al2O3 coating. Recommended for milling steel at high cutting speed, providing excellent tool life. IC5500 M20 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A tough substrate with a new MTCVD and alpha Al2O3 coating. Recommended for machining martensitic stainless steel at high cutting speed providing excellent tool life. IC6015 M05-M25 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A very hard substrate with a cobalt enriched outer layer and alpha AI2O3 coating. Used for finishing and medium turning of stainless steel at high cutting speed. Features long tool life and excellent repeatability. IC6025 M15-M35 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A tough substrate with MTCVDAI2O3 and TiCN coating. Recommended for machining stainless steel at high feeds and unfavorable conditions at medium cutting speed. IC8080 K01-K20 P05-P20 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A hard fine grain substrate with MTCVD AI2O3 coating. Features excellent chipping and wear resistance. Recommended for high speed drilling of cast iron and steel, to be used for the peripheral insert on DR drills. IC8150 P01-P30 K05-K15 M05-M15 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A very hard substrate with a cobalt enriched layer, MTCVD TiCN and a thick AI2O3 CVD coating. Features excellent thermal stability and resistance to chipping and plastic deformation. Recommended for high speed machining for steel at stable or slightly unstable conditions. IC8250 P10-P35 M05-M20 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A tough substrate with a cobalt enriched layer combined with MTCVD TiCN and a thick alpha AI2O3 CVD coating. Recommended for general use machining of steel in a wide range of conditions, featuring high toughness and wear resistance. IC8350 P20-P45 M15-M30 TiN AI2O3 TiCN A very tough substrate with a cobalt enriched layer combined with MTCVD TiCN and AI2O3 CVD coating. Provides excellent toughness and good wear resistance on steel for interrupted and unstable cutting conditions. DT7150 CVD+PVD COATED K05-K25 DO-TEC TiAIN TiN AI2O3 TiCN A tough substrate with a dual MTCVD AI2O3 and TiAIN PVD coating. Recommended for medium to high cutting speeds for machining of both grey and nodular cast iron. Features high wear and chipping resistance. IC04 S05 -- Hard submicron substrate, designed specifially for hard titanium alloys (such as Ti6246) IC20N P05-P25 M05-M15 -- A cermet grade, used for grooving and turning applications. Recommended for semi-finishing and finishing operations when excellent surface finish is required. Wear resistance, prevents built-up edge. IC30N P10-P30 M10-M20 H10-H25 -- A cermet grade. Provides excellent resistance to wear and plastic deformation even at high cutting speeds and medium feeds. Useful for turning and milling of semi-finishing and finishing applications. = Semi-Standard = Standard - 614 - Bass Tool & Supply, Inc. Houston Email Fax Toll Free (713) 682-1889 [email protected] (713) 681-4931 800-442-0042