- 1299 - Toll Free Fax Email Houston Bass Tool & Supply, Inc. 800-442-0042 (713) 681-4931 [email protected] (713) 682-1889 www.basstool.com PART# MTI-950-110 PART# PRICE 1-BLA-801 DESCRIPTION PART# 1-BLA PRICE FEELER INSIDE DIAMETER 851-C2 CARBIDE RANGE: 4.250" FEELER OUTSIDE DIAMETER 852-C2 CARBIDE RANGE: 4.250" FEELER INSIDE DIAMETER 851-4 RANGE: 8.000" FEELER INSIDE DIAMETER 851-6 RANGE: 12.000" ASSEMBLY CENTER POINT FEELER 853 FEELER OUTSIDE MAX. 852-6 DIA. 12.000" HAIMER 3D SENSOR Locating your work piece edge in X, Y, and Z is easy as 1, 2, 3. Orientate the machine spindle with the center of a drilled hole or cylindrical O.D. A real time saver when making setups. “Zero-It” is specially designed for Mitutoyo Test Indicators with Dovetails, and functions as a quick and practical work positioning device. Setting up a workpiece before machining, or aligning the center of a round workpiece in relation to the cutting head, take virtually no time with “Zero-It”. Attach “Zero-It” directly to the collet, then zero-in the work position by reading the Mitutoyo Test Indicator. The hardened clamping post consists of three ODs, from top, 1/4”, 3/8” and 1/2”, and has hardness of approximately 58 to 60 Rockwell C. Measure surface flatness. ZERO-IT WORK The above illustration indicates the alignment of a workpiece in relation to the cutting head. It reaches anywhere within a 10” diameter and fine-adjusts about 3/8” with a large knurled knob. It can also be adapted to Mitutoyo’s Transfer Stands such as No. 519-109 and No. 7003 for closer control of the Test Indicator (in the horizontal direction). CO-AX INDICATOR FEATURES: ● The Co-Ax Indicator provides a simplified method for centering a workpiece or fixture on horizontal or vertical machines, external or internal diameters - also with N/C, EDM and other hard to turn spindles. ● Face of the indicator remains stationary in any desired position while the machine spindle rotates, thus leaving the operator with both hands free to accurately position the machine table. ● Operates at any angle from vertical to horizontal without a change. COMPLETE SET INCLUDES: INDICATOR, INTERNAL FEELER, EXTERNAL FEELER, RESTRAINING ARM AND FITTED CASE. LENGTH 6.7/8” SHANK 3/8” dia. x 7/8” long WEIGHT 9.1/2 oz. net, 1 lb., 14 oz. shipping wt. FEELER BALL 1/8” dia. MEASURING RANGE 250 axis offset CAPACITY Internal 5/32 to 4.1/4” dia. External zero to 4.1/4” dia. SPEED It is recommended that operating speed not exceed 800 rpm approx. LOCATING ACCURACY To within .0002 in. of true center ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE: MAGNETIC BASE PROTRACTOR ERICK MIRACLE POINT An extremely accurate protractor with extremely sensitive, sealed, mercury balanced needle. Protractor is permanently attached as an integral part of a POWERFUL MAGNETIC V BASE containing lifetime Alnico magnets. V Base is precision ground. Give immediate readings of angles for full 360 degree radius. Determing angles on shapers,milling machines, grinders, etc. Quickly finds center of square or round stock. MAGNETIC BASE PROTRACTOR Machined V-Base and leg ends have strong magnetic pull making it easy to secure to the work piece. ● Used for tool rooms and machine shops to find center of round stock and to make angular adjustments. ● 2.3⁄8" dial face has machine-divided graduations to 1 degree in four 90° quadrants. ● Maximum V-Opening: 3.3⁄16" ● Overall length of legs: 4.13⁄16" ● Accuracy: ±1⁄2 degree ● D.O.T. Regulated. Shipped via ground freight only. Outside Dia. Dial Face - 2” Height - 5.1/4” Width - 5” Depth - 1” Inside Dia. All angle finding operations in your shop. ZERO-IT PART# PRICE 1-HAI-80-360-00 466.00 384.00 38.00 41.00 25.50 29.00 34.00 34.00 READING 0-90-0 PART# PRICE 1-CUL-900 334.95 PART # READING DIRECTION PRICE 1-CUL-900-02 Clockwise 1-CUL-900-03 Counter-clockwise READING 0-360 375.95 375.95 SHORT* 1-HAI-80-365-20 LONG* 1-HAI-80-365-30 3D SENSOR PROBES PROBE TIP DIA. LENGTH SHORT .2" 1.06" LONG .4" 2.6" PROBE DIMENSIONS * Short probe is included with the 3D Sensor ● Fast and easy to use ● Accurate and repeatable < 0.0004” ● Water tight sealed; can be left in the tool magazine ● Available with analog or digital readout ● Internal gearing eliminates human error, as opposed to LED and mechanical edge finders ● Multi-functional ● Includes short probe OTHER USES ● Measuring work piece dimensions ● Locating fixtures and work pieces relative to the machine DESCRIPTION PART# SPI- Magnetic Base Protractor 13-244-9